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March 27, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
7:00 pm
120 Washington Street

I.      Introduction

II.     Approve Previous Meeting Minutes (February)

III.    Presentation by Preservation of Affordable Housing Inc.(POAH) on their proposal for a Met Tower at FairWeather Apartments

IV.     Committee Issues, Categorization, and Subgroups
a.      Promoting renewable energy use:
i.      Renewables Expo (Chamber Rep./Betsy)
ii.     Wind Turbine Draft Ordinance (Cindy)
iii.    SESD Wind Turbine/SODR Project Update (Tom)
iv.     Green Up Campaign (All)
b.      Updates on Individual Assignments
i.      Green Up Info (Adam)
ii.     Green Up Take Home Sheet (Cindy w/ Kevin Andrews)
iii.    ICLEI (Tom/John/Cindy)
iv.     Carbon Footprint Handout (John)
v.      Residential Energy Efficiency/Renewables rebates/Refunds, etc. (Rick/Adam)
vi.     SSC Course Proposal (Cindy)
vii.    Varian Wind Turbine Permit Process (Cindy)
c.      Highlighting need for energy conservation
i.      EPA Community Energy Challenge (Cindy)
d.      Advocating responsible energy use
i.      City’s Earth Day Event – Thursday, April 17th 6-8:30 pm (which is also the date of our next Task Force meeting)
ii.     RETF Revolving Fund Account
e.      Supporting emission reductions

V.      Press & Event Opportunities
a.      Recent & Upcoming Articles
b.      Upcoming Events

VI.     Other Business

VII.    Adjournment